Dangsun Studio Apps

Dual BBM New 2016 Transparan 1.0.0
Dual BBM New 2016 Transparan, is a simple appthat helps you to install multiple BBM into your android smartphonedevice.Disclaimer :- Dual BBM New 2016 Transparan is a third part and does't haveasosiated with.- We have NO Any Relationship with BBM. BBM is property of BBMLimited.
BBM Transparan Keyboard Theme 1.0
BBM Transparan Keyboard Theme adalah aplikasikhusus untuk merubah tema keyboard kamu yang bawaan.Dengan dukungan aplikasi ini, kamu bisa dengan bebas memodifikasitampilan keyboard kamu, sehingga kamu bebas mengganti backgroundkeyboard kamu dengan foto kamu sendiri, foto orang orang tercinta,foto pacar atau juga bisa foto mantan kamu.Untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini, kamu cukup mengikuti urutan dariatas ke bawah melalui aplikasi kami tersebut.Fuel Transparent KeyboardTheme is a specialized application to change the default theme ofyour keyboard.With the support of this application, you can freely modify theappearance of your keyboard, so you are free to change yourkeyboard background with your own photos, photos of loved ones,photos can also photograph boyfriend or your ex.To use this application, you just follow the order from top tobottom through the application us.